On Losing Weight | Большие Идеи

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Losing Weight


On Losing Weight

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I am at the present time staying for three weeks at a health promotion center in Santa Rosa, California.

Allow me to present what I learned and would like to share with you.

Being overweight is a problem that preoccupies many of us. Numerous articles and books have been written on how being overweight causes people to get diabetes, strokes and heart attacks that shorten a persons life or at least make his or hers last years of life quite miserable

The overweight problem became an opportunity for a multi billion dollars industry to flourish: the weight reduction industry. Numerous best sellers have been published on the subject and billions of dollars are spent on various programs, endless supplements or ready made meals delivered to your home to control calories.

And the pharmaceutical industry too has benefited enormously from addressing this problem. It made billions of dollars by providing drugs that combat diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol or suppress appetite.

What I learned at this magnificent center is that these billions of dollars spent are based on the wrong diagnosis of the problem and thus they provide the wrong remedies.

What is wrong with the diagnosis? What is wrong with the remedies?

Being overweight is not the CAUSE of heart attacks.

Diabetes, strokes, heart disease AND being overweight, ALL OF THEM, are manifestations…

Let me repeat.

Being overweight is not the cause of getting high blood pressure or a heart attack. BOTH being overweight AND having high blood pressure are manifestations of the same cause.

None of them is the major cause of the other.

By attacking the weight problem, per se, we are attacking the manifestation, not the cause of heart attacks. The probability of having a heart attack is STILL THERE.

It will be like telling a person who is overweight to cut one of his foot off. Now, the numbers on the scale, show that he has perfect weight but the poor guy is still overweight in spite of what the scales shows.

What is the cause of being overweight, having heart attacks, strokes and diabetes?

Simply stated: We eat the wrong food.

It is not the quantity that is the problem. It is the quality.

What is wrong with the food we eat?

We eat food which is high in concentrated calories, like sugar and processed carbs. And we eat animal flesh which has high concentration of protein per pound plus fat.

Why this preference for concentrated calories and animal protein?

We naturally prefer food that gives us maximum calories and protein

for minimum effort because for millions of years we lived in scarcity, not in abundance of food.

And why do we eat more than we need? We could get the calories we need by consuming food with concentrated calories but in extremely little quantities?

First, because we are designed by nature to eat as much as our stomach can take. Since we eat concentrated calories and protein, a full stomach means more calories and protein than we need.

And the food industry's does not help us either.. They naturally want to maximize sales. To do so, they make the food such that it increases our appetite as much as possible, rather than suppresses it… They add fat, sugar and salt.

How often have you eaten a full meal and still felt not satisfied unless you had sugary desert? If you did eat that sugar loaded apple pie a la mode, you felt satisfied but became hungry very shortly thereafter?

The result of over eating food with highly concentrated calories is that we over eat calories and the result is that we store them as fat which is manifested in being overweight.

But note this: The result of over eating proteins from animal flesh and too much fat is that we also clog our arteries. Furthermore, because of the amounts of salt added to the food for taste, we have more blood pressure than needed.

The result of eating the wrong food is that we get high blood pressure, strokes diabetes AND we get overweight.

ALL OF THEM are manifestations of eating the wrong food.

Now imagine someone deciding to lose weight by liposuction. It is the same as cutting his foot off. One of the manifestation is taken care of but if the person continues eating protein from animal flesh that narrow his blood vessels and deposits calcification on his heart, he might still die sooner than necessary in spite of looking good and


Or imagine those who go though the painful surgery of shortening their intestine. They process their food faster. They eat less. They lose weight. They look good. But what was attacked and treated is the manifestation of bad health, not the cause. Unless they change also WHAT they eat, not only HOW much they eat, they will still die younger than necessary.

If the cause of the problem is mostly WHAT we eat and much less HOW much we eat or WHEN we eat it ( which is another fad in the weight control industry) than that is what our focus should be on.

Our ultimate goal is to live to our full genetic potential and not to shorten our life or make our last years miserable by disease. That means being healthy.

If you eat healthy food you will be healthy. It is that simple. You will not be overweight and you will not die prematurely.

Why do we focus on weight loss rather than on healthy eating? This question reminds me of a story.

A man walks down the street on a very dark night and finds his friend looking for something.

"What are you looking for?" he asked him. "For my keys." "Where have you lost them?" "At the end of the road. Over there." "So, why are you looking here?" "Because the light is here."

It is easier to focus on what we can measure and on taking pills than on changing eating habits drastically.

If we want to reduce the chances of having diabetes, heart attacks, strokes, we should focus on the cause of dying prematurely not on the manifestations of that cause. We should focus on what makes us healthy and not necessarily on what makes us skinny.

We need to treat the cause, not the manifestation.

You probably know of someone who exercised, took drugs to control blood pressure and cholesterol and was at perfect weight and still got a heart attack and died.

You can be exercising and be skinny by watching calorie intake and still be dangerously sick in your heart…

The ultimate cause of our trouble is our diet. It developed over millions of years to combat scarcity in order to survive…

Now, in the developed world, in order to survive we need a diet that handles abundance not scarcity..

During scarcity the more calories and protein we got and calories we stored for the time when there is no food available, the better. During abundance, the less calories and protein from animal flesh we consule the better.

Less food is not enough for better and longer life. Better food is what we need for better and longer life.

To know what is better food, what is the right food, which food will get you off the high blood and cholesterol or diabetes medicines and make you lose weight as a by product, not as the purpose of eating right, you need to come here or at least read their book "The Pleasure Trap".

For those of you who know Adizes theory, what they do fits perfectly with the formulas of success.

I am happy to inform you that in one week, my blood pressure went down from 140 over 100 to 100 over 80 and my cholesterol went down from 170 to 117. And in those six days I already lost six pounds of weight. And I was not hungry. And I did not take more or different drugs. On the opposite. If I continue eating the right food I expect to be off all my medicines.

And I won't be the first one to do so. Thousands of people who went through this center that has been in existence for twenty years, reduced their blood pressure, cleared their arteries and stopped taking medications.

I wish you the best of health Ichak